Monday, October 26, 2015

Not your normal pumpkin patch


If you're ever rotting in a doctor's waiting room for 3 hours while he fritters away, wasting your precious time while he looks at someone else's injuries, just pull out your sketchbook and take it out on the page.

  I like drawing ghoulish people; somehow half  human, half something other. What are these women doing? I'm not sure yet. I like letting things possess the page and surprise me.

 Took a wrong turn with baggy pants and velcro sandals (not a good mix if the velcro comes loose) , fell and mildly fractured my non-dominant elbow a few weeks ago. It's practically all better and I am grateful I can type without pain now.  I  have also figured out how to tie shoelaces. With a double knot.
  Happy haunting.

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